Unique Value Preposition.
The big question was, has always been, is and will always be, What is it that makes you stand out from the rest?
The big question was, has always been, is and will always be, What is it that makes you stand out from the rest?
ORANGE ADVENTURES the East African premium Travel and Tour Company that prides in walking the talk of providing a Magical Life Experience to its esteemed clients through an enabling environment to live the Magic.
Somewhere on the Northern part of Uganda close to the Uganda and Democratic Republic of the Congo lies Queen Elizabeth National Park and Kazinga Channelthat connects Lake George and Lake Albert that lies right both in Uganda and Congo. Close to this area is where the famous Corny's Lord Resistant Army[LRA] had established its base.
Each and every time whenever we visited Uganda from Kibale National Park in Fort Portal on our way to Kabale and stopped at this area there was always a funeral that brought lots of questions from our clients.
Did you know that Hippopotamus are the number two killers in Africa coming second to Malaria. In this area surrounded by the water masses that are infested by crocodiles and hippopotamus yet the locals don't have piped water, leaving them with only one option to either o fetch the water from the Hippo infested water or go do the washing of utensils or clothes as well as bath in the crocodile and hippo infested water.
Most of the funerals we saw were as a result of life lost to either Hippos or crocodiles thus left lots of the children from the area as orphans and more women widows exposing the vulnerable families to poverty and this always made me think on how on my own little way as a social leader alongside ours clients on how we can can have an impact on this community.
I always encourage a lot of local interaction on our trips as well as supporting the local economy and we had one African open air market stop that i introduced in order for our cook to stock his vegetable shopping and mobilize our clients to stop and buy a goat which we always end up going around the village and gift it to the more deserving family as shown in the photos below.
For more insight.
Tourism & Hospitality expert
Phone: +254725289430/+254734825127
Email: orange.adventuretravels@gmail.com
Skype: orangeadventures
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rangeadventures
Web: http://orangeadventures.co.ke/
Blog: https://www.blogger.com/home
Don't look at the difficulties in your path. Focus on the opportunities ahead.
For more insight.
Tourism & Hospitality expert
Phone: +254725289430/+254734825127
Email: orange.adventuretravels@gmail.com
Skype: orangeadventures
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rangeadventures
Web: http://orangeadventures.co.ke/
Blog: https://www.blogger.com/home
Don't look at the difficulties in your path. Focus on the opportunities ahead.
Part II coming soon.