National Park
Amboseli National Park is located in Loitoktok
District, Rift Valley Province of Kenya.
The ecosystem
mainly savannah grassland
spread across the Kenya-Tanzania
park is famous for being the best place in
Africa to get close
to free-ranging
elephants among other wildlife species. Other attractions of the park include opportunities to meet the Maasai and spectacular views
of Mount Kilimanjaro.
The main access
to Amboseli National
is by
Road. The main road into
the park is from Nairobi via Namanga (240 km) on the Nairobi - Arusha Road, through Meshanani Gate.
The other road is from Nairobi via Emali (228
km) on the Nairobi - Mombasa Road. Access
from Mombasa is mainly through
Tsavo West National
via Kimana (Olkelunyiet) Gate. You can
also access Amboseli National
The Park gates
include: Kulunyiet
Meshanani Gate, Kitirua Gate, Iremito Gate,
The size of Amboseli National Park is 390.26 Km2, and is located in Loitoktok District,
Valley Province.
The major attractions include the following; Large Herds of
Elephants, Mt. Kilimanjaro,
Five, Observation Hill
which allows an overall view of
the whole park especially the
swamps and elephants,
below observation hill hosts
elephants, buffaloes, hippos and a variety of
water fowls like pelican,
Egyptian goose, Contemporary Maasai culture and indigenous lifestyle
The wildlife includes, Leopard,
Cheetah, Wild dogs, Buffalo,
Rhino, Elephant, Giraffe, Zebra,
Lion, Plains Game, Crocodile,
Mongoose, Hyrax,
dik, Lesser Kudu, and Nocturnal Porcupine and
in addition, a prolific birdlife features 600 species
Tsavo West National
The park
is located on south eastern Kenya,
240km from Nairobi along the western side of Mombasa - Nairobi highway.
The savannah ecosystem comprises
of open grasslands, scrublands,
and Acacia woodlands,
belts of riverine vegetation
and rocky ridges.
Major wildlife attractions include elephant,
rhino, Hippos, lions, cheetah, leopards, Buffalos, diverse plant and bird species including the
corncrake and near threatened Basra Reed Warbler.
The Access gates: Tsavo, Lake Jipe, Mtito Andei (Kamboyo
HQ), Chyulu, Maktau
Roads: The main access
routes are through
Chyulu Gate
from Amboseli and Mtito
Andei Gate from Nairobi.
It has a size of 7,065 Km2 and is South
Eastern Kenya, Inland from Mombasa
The major attractions in this park are
recent Volcanoes,
flows and caves
with potential for geological
and cave exploration and
hiking. Mzima Springs & underwater hippo and fish watching.
The wildlife in this park includes: Leopard,
dogs, Buffalo, Rhino,
Elephant, Giraffe, Zebra, Lion,Crocodile,
Mongoose, Hyrax, Dik- dik, Lesser Kudu, and Nocturnal Porcupine. Prolific birdlife
features 600 species.
Tsavo East National
The Joint mass of
Tsavo East National
lies to the east of the Nairobi – Mombasa road, equidistant between Nairobi
and Mombasa, and offers a vast
and untapped arena of
arid bush which is washed by azure and
emerald meandering of Galana River. Guarded by the limitless lava
reaches of Yatta plateau
and patrolled by some of the
largest elephant herds in Kenya.
has a
size of 13,747 sq.
km and is South East of Kenya, inland from
the Coast
has several access gates,
Andei, Voi, Buchuma, Manyani, Ithumba and Sala
The major attractions are:
Elephant in
Eden - The sight
of dust-red elephant wallowing, rolling and spraying each
other with the midnight blue waters
of palm-shaded Galana River is
one of the most evocative images
of Africa
Dam - The beautiful Aruba dam
located on the
north bank of the seasonal Voi River, is visited
thousands of animals and a
great game viewing destination
Rock - This
–backed Rock towers
above a natural dam, which
acts as a draw to thousands of Elephants
The longest lava flow in the world- at 300 kilometers
in length, the heat
shimmering edge of yatta plateau
is the longest
lava flow in the world and
an ornithological paradise
that attract migrating birds from all over
the world
Lugards Falls - Named after Captain Lugard,
the first
proconsul to East Africa,
the falls feature bizarrely eroded rocks
through which
the waters of the Galana River
plunge into foaming
rapids and crocodile –infested pools
The main wildlife you
find are most of the larger
mammals, vast herds of dust –
red elephant, Rhino,
buffalo, lion, leopard,
pods of hippo,crocodile, waterbucks, Lesser
Kudu, Gerenuk and
Hirola, and a prolific bird life features 500 recorded
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