Thursday 25 April 2019

The best places to consider while planning a Safari or Holiday to Uganda the Pearl of Africa

o B&W Colobus Mountain Gorilla
o Baby elephant Murschison Falls
o Bamboo forest Nile Crocodile
o BBQ –chicken seller Nile Perch
o Black exhaust smoke Papyrus Swamp
o Boda boda +3 passengers Passion Fruit Juice
o Bradt Uganda guidebook Pink School Uniform
o Candelabra tree Pothole
o Cape Buffalo Python
o Chimpanzee Rift Valley
o Crater lake River Nile
o Dances dancing Rwenzori Snow
o Equator markers Safari Ants
o Fish Eagle Shoebill
o Fishing canoe Sir Gerald Portal speed bumps
o Fruit salad Strangles fig
o Giraffe Tea plantation
o Great blue turaco Termite mound
o Hippo yawning Topi
o Hornbill honking Traffic cops
o Hot springs Tree Climbing Lion
o Kanzu Uganda Conservation Foundation project Uganda kot UWA ranger guide
o Kazinga Channel View on Ush 20,000 bank note
Virunga volcanoes
o Lake Victoria Warthog kneeling
o Lion feasting Weaver-bird nests
o Matatu (minibus) Yellow jerry cans
o Matoke (cooked)
o Matoke (tree)
o More fruit salad

Numbers in brackets indicate approximate travel time in hours.
Western Circuit
Entebbe – Kibale Forest 385km (6)
Kibale Forest -QENP1 157km (3)
QENP1- QENP (Ishasha) 95km (2-3)
Ishasha – Bwindi2 60km (2-3)
QENP1- South Bwindi 150km (6-7)
Bwindi2- Lake Mburo 297km (6)
Lake Mburo – Entebbe 285km (5)
Murchison Falls
Entebbe- Murchison Falls3 341km (5-6)
Murchison Falls3- Kibale 440km (8-9)
Murchison Falls3- Kidepo 340km (8)
Eastern circuit
Entebbe-Kidepo 600km (12)
Kidepo- Mount Elgon4-Jinja 190km (5)
Mount Elgon4-Jinja 190km (5)
Jinja- Entebbe 120km (3.5-4)
1Mweya; 2Buhoma; 3 Paraa; 4Sipi Falls
Bwindi Impenetrable
The ancient forest in Uganda’s mountainous south-west has been weaving itself into tangles for 25000 years, in the process accumulating an impressive biodiversity. Lengthy species counts list 350birds, 310 butterflies, 200 trees, 51 reptiles & 120 mammals, including the rare and unforgettable mountain gorilla.
Mountain gorilla tracking. Bird-watching.
Mgahinga Gorilla,
The tiny (38km2) Mgahinga National Park protects a variety of rare and distinctive flora and fauna, including mountain gorilla & golden monkeys on the Ugandan slopes of the Virunga volcanoes.
Mountain gorilla & golden monkey tracking, birdwatching, volcanic scenery.
East of the Rwenzori, the landscape is pocked with beautiful craters lakes and expected with tea plantations and the tropical forests of Kibale National Park. Kibale is home to 13 types of primate, including chimpanzee and red colobus and 355 bird species.
Chimpanzee tracking. Bird watching.
Queen Elizabeth National Park
QENP enjoys a fabulous rift valley location at the foot of Mt. Rwenzori between Lakes Gorge and Edward. Savannah acacia woodland, forest, wetland and open water support a wide range of animals and a unmasked 604 bird species.
Rift valley scenery, Kazinga Channel launch trip; Kasenyi game drive; tree climbing lions of Ishasha; Katwe explosion craters; Chimpanzee tracking.
Murchison Falls
Uganda’s largest park is named after the Nile’s 40m plunge even the rift valley scarp. Below the Falls, the river is home to a multitude of hippos, crocodiles and water birds. Big game inhabits grasslands north of the river while primates live in the forests to the south.
Boat trip to Murchison Falls, game drive; shoebill viewing; chimp tracking.
Set on the hot and steamy rift valley floor beyond the Rwenzori Mountain, the Semliki forest forms the easternmost edge of the Congo jungle. The park is an exciting destination for birders drawn by forest species that include many overspills from Central Africa.
Forest walks; Sempaya Hot springs bird watching.
Rwenzori Mountains
The 5100m mount Rwenzori on mountain of the moon - is the snowy source of the Nile referred to by early geographers. The trails to the snow peaks ascend glaciers- curved valleys filled with colorful mosses and giants forms of lobelias, heathers and groundsels.
Lake Mburo
Herbivores living in the wetland valleys and acacia grasslands around Lake Mburo includes species that are rare on absent from others Ugandan parks.
Game drive and horseback safaris.
Further information
Bradt guide to Uganda Philip Eriggs & Andrew Roberts.
Park information Handworks: Murchison Falls, Kidepo Valley & Lake Mburo: Mark Jordahl
Uganda Wildlife Authority:
Uganda Conservation Foundation:
Kidepo Valley
Uganda’s most magnificent wilderness lies in the furthest corner of the remoter Karamojong region. Elephant, buffalo, giraffe, zebra, eland, hartebeest, lion, hyena and cheetah (etc.) roam rolling grasslands that extend in all directions towards distant mountain ranges in Uganda, Kenya & South Sudan.
Wilderness scenery game viewing. Karamojong culture
Mount Elgon
This massive extinct volcano was once Africa’s highest mountain for exceeding Kilimanjaro’s 5891m. Though reduced to 4321m it still rises over 3000m above the plains of eastern Uganda. Trails ascend through forest, bamboo and moorland to a giant caldera, 8km wide on the summit.

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